

Where's Your Head At?

It’s cliche at this point, but our life is not a dress rehearsal. I don’t remember being a five year old and wanting to be a firefighter, a professional basketball player, and an astronaut. But I do know how I feel right now; I want to be world’s number one dad, in great shape (to play basketball), surf/bodysurf big waves, volunteer, entrepreneur, earth advocate, etc. There’s not the same naivety now as there was when I was five though — I know I can’t do it all — and I barely sleep in an attempt to try…

Maybe being an adult is just about prioritizing?

I do wonder how many other people struggle with their time and how they use it. How many of you feel it pass you by, day by day, with simple failures or maybe even larger ones, and does it ever cause you to stress out when you reflect on it? How many of us get used to making excuses to ourselves to the point that they’re so routine, we don’t even notice them anymore? Maybe the greatest privilege I have is being able to work a job while I’m tired?

If I close my eyes and I think about yesterday, do I smile?

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